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Research Ethics and Publication Policy

​​"MAJULI : A Multi-Lingual Multi-Disciplinary e-Magazine" adheres to the highest ethical standards in publishing, research integrity, and authorship. All contributors, including authors, editors, reviewers, and publishers, must follow the outlined guidelines.


1. Ethical Standards for Research and Publication :

a. Authorship and Contribution

  • Authorship: All individuals who significantly contribute to the research should be listed as authors. Those who assist but do not meet authorship criteria should be appropriately acknowledged.

  • Contribution: Authors must specify the individual contributions (e.g., data collection, analysis, writing) of each co-author.

  • Order of Authors: The order should reflect the contribution level. Any changes must have the approval of all co-authors.

b. Originality and Plagiarism:

  • Original Research: Manuscripts must be original and not previously published in any form.

  • Plagiarism: Plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, is strictly prohibited. All submitted works should be free of any form of plagiarism. Manuscripts found plagiarized will be rejected and subject to penalties.

  • Plagiarism Check: The journal may use plagiarism detection software for screening submissions.

c. Data Integrity and Falsification

  • Data Reporting: Authors are required to provide accurate data and results. Fabrication, falsification, or manipulation is a serious violation.

  • Data Access and Retention: Authors should be prepared to provide raw data for editorial review if requested and must retain such data for a reasonable time post-publication.

d. Human and Animal Rights

  • Human Subjects: Research involving humans must comply with ethical guidelines, such as obtaining informed consent and ensuring confidentiality. Authors must confirm that their research adheres to the Declaration of Helsinki.

  • Animal Research: Research involving animals must follow institutional and international guidelines (e.g., International Animal Care and Use Committee).

e. Conflict of Interest

  • Disclosure: Authors must disclose any financial or personal relationships that could influence the research. Funding sources, sponsorships, or other potential conflicts should be disclosed.

  • Declaration: A conflict-of-interest statement must be included in the manuscript or submission process.

2. Peer Review Process:

a. Fair and Transparent Peer Review

  • Double-Blind Review: The journal uses a double-blind peer review process, maintaining the anonymity of both authors and reviewers.

  • Evaluation Criteria: Manuscripts are reviewed based on intellectual merit, originality, relevance, and field contribution.

b. Reviewer Conduct

  • Confidentiality: Reviewers must treat all manuscript information confidentially and not use it for personal gain.

  • Objectivity: Reviews must be objective, free from personal bias, and focused on the manuscript's content.

  • Conflict of Interest: Reviewers must decline reviews where a conflict of interest exists with the authors or research.

3. Editorial Ethics:

a. Editorial Independence

  • Decision-Making: Editors are responsible for publication decisions based on the manuscript's merit and its fit with the journal’s scope. External factors like financial relationships must not influence editorial decisions.

  • Unbiased Review: Editors ensure an unbiased review process for all submissions.

b. Confidentiality

  • Information Protection: Editors must not disclose any manuscript information to anyone other than the authors, reviewers, or publisher.

c. Corrections and Retractions

  • Corrections: Authors must cooperate with editors to correct errors post-publication.

  • Retractions: Articles may be retracted in cases of ethical violations like plagiarism or falsified data.

4. Policy on Duplicate and Redundant Publication

  • Duplicate Submission: Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal is unethical and will result in rejection or retraction.

  • Redundant Publication: Publishing the same findings in multiple journals is not allowed. Related submissions should be disclosed in the cover letter.

5. Copyright and Licensing:

a. Copyright Transfer

  • Agreement: Upon acceptance, authors may be required to transfer certain copyright rights to the publisher. Authors retain rights for educational or non-commercial use.

b. Open Access and Licensing

  • Open Access: The journal may follow an Open Access policy, providing free access under specific licensing terms (e.g., Creative Commons License). Authors must review the journal’s open access policy.

6. Ethical Guidelines for Multilingual Research:

  • Accuracy of Translations: Authors submitting work in multiple languages must ensure high-quality, accurate translations. Translations must acknowledge the original source if applicable.

7. Sanctions for Ethical Violations:

  • Manuscript Rejection: Plagiarized, falsified, or unethical manuscripts will be rejected.

  • Retraction: Published articles that violate ethical standards may be retracted with public notice.

  • Institution Notification: In severe cases, the journal may notify institutions or funding bodies about the authors' misconduct.


8. Ethical Guidelines for Authors:

  • Clear Guidelines: Authors must follow established ethical guidelines for research, publication, and data integrity.

  • Plagiarism Prevention: Submissions must have a similarity score within acceptable limits. Plagiarized content will not be tolerated.

  • Conflict of Interest: All potential conflicts involving governance, editorial board members, reviewers, and authors must be disclosed.


9. AI-Generated Content Policy:

 At "MAJULI : A Multi-Lingual Multi-Disciplinary e-Magazine", we recognize the growing influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in academic research and publishing. To maintain the integrity, originality, and ethical standards of our journal, we have established the following policy regarding the use of AI in the creation, submission, and publication of content.

Transparency and Disclosure: 

  • A specific statement must be included in the methodology or acknowledgments section of the manuscript, detailing how and where AI was utilized.

  • Authors must fully disclose the use of AI tools, software, or technologies in any part of the research or writing process. This includes but is not limited to data analysis, manuscript drafting, editing, or content generation.​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Originality and Authorship: 

  • The responsibility for the accuracy, originality, and ethical integrity of the content lies with the human authors, even when AI is employed during the process.

  • AI-generated content cannot be credited with authorship. Only human contributors who have made intellectual contributions to the research and manuscript preparation can be listed as authors

Limitations on AI Use:

  • AI may be used for data processing, language refinement, or grammatical editing; however, it cannot replace the core intellectual input of human researchers.

  • Submissions containing content generated exclusively or predominantly by AI without significant human oversight, intervention, or critical evaluation will not be accepted for publication.

Plagiarism and Ethical Standards:

  • All manuscripts will undergo plagiarism detection checks. Authors must ensure that AI-generated content does not result in unintentional plagiarism, copyright infringement, or the reproduction of content without proper attribution.

  • The ethical guidelines for research, including consent, confidentiality, and authorship credit, must be strictly followed, even when AI tools are involved.

Human Accountability:

  • Authors remain fully accountable for the accuracy of facts, citations, and claims made in their work. The use of AI does not absolve authors of their responsibility for errors, misleading content, or ethical violations.

  • Authors must ensure that any data analyzed or processed by AI is done so ethically and within the parameters of the research.

Misuse of AI Tools:

  • The journal strictly prohibits the use of AI to fabricate data, falsify results, or generate misleading content. Any such misuse will be treated as a serious violation of our ethical guidelines and may result in rejection, retraction, or further action, including notifying relevant academic bodies.

Review Process:

  • Reviewers and editors will assess submissions for adherence to this AI content policy. If AI-generated content is suspected but not disclosed, the manuscript may be returned to the author for clarification or rejected outright.


  • By submitting to "MAJULI: A Multi-Lingual Multi-Disciplinary e-Magazine", authors agree to comply with this AI-generated content policy. Non-compliance or failure to disclose the use of AI may result in rejection of the submission or retraction of published articles.

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