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Submission Guidelines


A) Standard format :


1. Title

  • The title of the research paper should clearly convey the main topic or subject of the research.

  • It should be concise, descriptive, and aligned with the scope of the journal.

2. Author Information

  • Full names of all authors, along with their institutional affiliations, and contact details.

  • Corresponding author details, including email address.

3. Abstract

  • A concise summary of the research, including the research question, methodology, key findings, and significance.

  • Typically ranges between 200-300 words.

4. Keywords

  • A list of 4-6 keywords that highlight the major themes or topics of the research.

  • Keywords help in indexing and searchability.

5. Introduction

  • Background: Provides context and background information on the research topic.

  • Problem Statement: Clearly defines the research problem or hypothesis.

  • Objective: Explains the objectives of the study.

  • Significance: Emphasizes the importance of the research and its contributions to the field.

6. Literature Review

  • A critical review of relevant literature, identifying gaps and the theoretical framework that supports the research.

  • It sets the stage for the current study by summarizing previous research and how the study contributes to existing knowledge.

7. Research Methodology

  • Research Design: Describes the research design and approach.

  • Sample: Details the sample size, sample selection criteria, and demographics (if applicable).

  • Data Collection: Explains the tools and techniques used for data collection.

  • Data Analysis: Methods used for analyzing the collected data.

  • For empirical papers, this section outlines statistical or qualitative methods used for analysis.

8. Results / Findings

  • Presentation of the key findings of the research.

  • Includes tables, figures, and charts to visually represent data.

  • For qualitative research, this section may focus on thematic analysis or other relevant findings.

9. Discussion

  • Interprets and discusses the results in relation to the research question and objectives.

  • Comparison of the results with previous studies.

  • Explanation of unexpected results, if any.

10. Conclusion

  • Summarizes the main findings of the study.

  • Discusses the implications of the findings and how they contribute to the discipline.

  • Offers suggestions for future research and any limitations of the study.

11. Acknowledgments (if applicable)

  • Acknowledgment of any financial support, institutional resources, or individuals who contributed to the research but are not listed as authors.

12. References

  • A complete list of all sources cited in the research.

  • Follow MLA/APA style for citations where applicable.

  • It should be comprehensive and up to date with relevant literature.

13. Footnotes: Use sparingly and for explanatory purposes, not for citations.

14. Appendices (if applicable)

  • Additional material such as questionnaires, raw data, or technical details that support the research but are not included in the main text.

15. Supplementary Materials (if applicable)

  • Extra content such as datasets, multimedia files, or extensive tables that complement the research and are made available online.


B). Originality and Plagiarism

  • Submissions must be original and unpublished. Manuscripts under consideration elsewhere will not be accepted.

  • Authors are responsible for checking for plagiarism and ensuring the authenticity of their work.

  • Submissions with more than 10% plagiarism will be automatically rejected.


C) Manuscript Preparation:

  1. Formatting:

  • Font: Times New Roman (for English), Kruti Dev (for Hindi), and Unicode Assamese (for Assamese). 

  • Languages: Contributions are accepted in Assamese, English, Hindi, and other regional languages. Please provide an abstract in English (for non-English articles).

  • Font Size: 12-point for the main text and 10-point for footnotes.

  • Line Spacing: 1.5 for the main text, single-spaced for block quotes and footnotes.

  • Margins: 1-inch on all sides.

  • Word Limit:

    • Research Articles: 3000–6000 words.

    • Short Research Notes: 1500–2500 words.

    • Article/Essays: 1500-3000 words

  • Artwork/Photographs: Must be submitted in high-resolution format with a brief description.

  • Originality: All submissions must be original and unpublished. Plagiarized content will not be accepted.

2. Figures, Tables, and Illustrations :

  • All figures, tables, and illustrations must be appropriately captioned.

  • Ensure that images/illustrations are of high quality (at least 300 DPI) and placed within the text, not at the end.

  • Number tables and figures sequentially and refer to them in the text (e.g., Table 1, Figure 2).


D) Submission Process:

  • Submit manuscripts in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx).

  • Email submissions to: Please email your submissions to with the subject line: “Submission for MAJULI e-magazine – [Your Name]”.

  • Authors should include a brief biography (max 100 words) and a declaration of originality in the submission email.

E). Peer Review Process:

  • All submissions undergo double-blind peer review.

  • Authors will be informed of the acceptance, rejection, or required revisions within 6-8 weeks of submission.

  • Revised articles should be resubmitted within the time frame specified in the editor's communication.

F.) Ethical Considerations:

  • Authors must disclose any conflict of interest.

  • The research must adhere to relevant ethical standards, especially when dealing with human participants or sensitive topics.

  • Authors should ensure that all co-authors are credited appropriately.

G). Copyright and Open Access:

  • Upon acceptance, the copyright for the article will remain with the author, but Majuli reserves the right to publish it online.

  • Articles will be published under a Creative Commons license, making them freely accessible to the public.

H). Contact Information:

For inquiries regarding submissions, please contact:


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