ISSN: 3049-0812
A Multi-Lingual Multi-Disciplinary e-Magazine
Submission Guidelines
A) Standard format :
1. Title
The title of the research paper should clearly convey the main topic or subject of the research.
It should be concise, descriptive, and aligned with the scope of the journal.
2. Author Information
Full names of all authors, along with their institutional affiliations, and contact details.
Corresponding author details, including email address.
3. Abstract
A concise summary of the research, including the research question, methodology, key findings, and significance.
Typically ranges between 200-300 words.
4. Keywords
A list of 4-6 keywords that highlight the major themes or topics of the research.
Keywords help in indexing and searchability.
5. Introduction
Background: Provides context and background information on the research topic.
Problem Statement: Clearly defines the research problem or hypothesis.
Objective: Explains the objectives of the study.
Significance: Emphasizes the importance of the research and its contributions to the field.
6. Literature Review
A critical review of relevant literature, identifying gaps and the theoretical framework that supports the research.
It sets the stage for the current study by summarizing previous research and how the study contributes to existing knowledge.
7. Research Methodology
Research Design: Describes the research design and approach.
Sample: Details the sample size, sample selection criteria, and demographics (if applicable).
Data Collection: Explains the tools and techniques used for data collection.
Data Analysis: Methods used for analyzing the collected data.
For empirical papers, this section outlines statistical or qualitative methods used for analysis.
8. Results / Findings
Presentation of the key findings of the research.
Includes tables, figures, and charts to visually represent data.
For qualitative research, this section may focus on thematic analysis or other relevant findings.
9. Discussion
Interprets and discusses the results in relation to the research question and objectives.
Comparison of the results with previous studies.
Explanation of unexpected results, if any.
10. Conclusion
Summarizes the main findings of the study.
Discusses the implications of the findings and how they contribute to the discipline.
Offers suggestions for future research and any limitations of the study.
11. Acknowledgments (if applicable)
Acknowledgment of any financial support, institutional resources, or individuals who contributed to the research but are not listed as authors.
12. References
A complete list of all sources cited in the research.
Follow MLA/APA style for citations where applicable.
It should be comprehensive and up to date with relevant literature.
13. Footnotes: Use sparingly and for explanatory purposes, not for citations.
14. Appendices (if applicable)
Additional material such as questionnaires, raw data, or technical details that support the research but are not included in the main text.
15. Supplementary Materials (if applicable)
Extra content such as datasets, multimedia files, or extensive tables that complement the research and are made available online.
B). Originality and Plagiarism
Submissions must be original and unpublished. Manuscripts under consideration elsewhere will not be accepted.
Authors are responsible for checking for plagiarism and ensuring the authenticity of their work.
Submissions with more than 10% plagiarism will be automatically rejected.
C) Manuscript Preparation:
1. Formatting:
Font: Times New Roman (for English), Kruti Dev (for Hindi), and Unicode Assamese (for Assamese).
Languages: Contributions are accepted in Assamese, English, Hindi, and other regional languages. Please provide an abstract in English (for non-English articles).
Font Size: 12-point for the main text and 10-point for footnotes.
Line Spacing: 1.5 for the main text, single-spaced for block quotes and footnotes.
Margins: 1-inch on all sides.
Word Limit:
Research Articles: 3000–6000 words.
Short Research Notes: 1500–2500 words.
Article/Essays: 1500-3000 words
Artwork/Photographs: Must be submitted in high-resolution format with a brief description.
Originality: All submissions must be original and unpublished. Plagiarized content will not be accepted.
2. Figures, Tables, and Illustrations :
All figures, tables, and illustrations must be appropriately captioned.
Ensure that images/illustrations are of high quality (at least 300 DPI) and placed within the text, not at the end.
Number tables and figures sequentially and refer to them in the text (e.g., Table 1, Figure 2).
D) Submission Process:
Submit manuscripts in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx).
Email submissions to: Please email your submissions to, with the subject line: “Submission for MAJULI e-magazine – [Your Name]”.
Authors should include a brief biography (max 100 words) and a declaration of originality in the submission email.
E). Peer Review Process:
All submissions undergo double-blind peer review.
Authors will be informed of the acceptance, rejection, or required revisions within 6-8 weeks of submission.
Revised articles should be resubmitted within the time frame specified in the editor's communication.
F.) Ethical Considerations:
Authors must disclose any conflict of interest.
The research must adhere to relevant ethical standards, especially when dealing with human participants or sensitive topics.
Authors should ensure that all co-authors are credited appropriately.
G). Copyright and Open Access:
Upon acceptance, the copyright for the article will remain with the author, but Majuli reserves the right to publish it online.
Articles will be published under a Creative Commons license, making them freely accessible to the public.
H). Contact Information:
For inquiries regarding submissions, please contact:
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Anupam Borah, Assistant Professor, UMK College, Majuli